Now that sounds like some title doesn't it! Two of our hens, Dragon and Stella are broody. At first I was looking for ways to reverse their broodiness and then I thought it might be rather nice to have some baby chicks. I found that one can source fertile eggs anywhere in Australia and they are delivered by post! Who would ever have thought that eggs would arrive intact after such a trip? The next step was to find a suitable separate pen for them to have their chicks in. I found this former rabbit hutch on ebay and now it has become home to the broody hens. I am expecting the fertile eggs any day now and will be eagerly awaiting the hatching of the little chicks about 21 days later. It is all rather exciting. As you can see William and Oliver claimed the rabbit hutch before the chickens did and found it to be a rather good play house!
And up popped William!Our other project yesterday was to find a suitable little paddling pool for the boys as the days are already starting to get hotter. We found this great one at Clarke Rubber. It has a very handy canopy to protect the little boys from getting burnt. The boys have given it the seal of approval!
Daddy also thought it looked OK although he wasn't prepared for the shock of the still cold water!