The last few days we have started to see true autumn weather. The skies have been grey, the winds have been cold and biting and we have had sudden downpours of much welcome rain. We all took it as a great excuse to rug up in our winter gear. The boys are peering in through the letterbox of a Japanese restaurant in our street. We were on our way off to breakfast at Mama Carmella's.
Sunday, 26 April 2009
The Wacky Warehouse
Today the boys were invited to the 4th birthday party of Nikolas, a friend from kindy. The party was held at the Wacky Warehouse, a big indoor playground. The place was teeming with very excited children, all running around, climbing and squealing very loudly! There was a fantastic facepainter at the party. William asked to be a tiger which I think matches his personality perfectly!
Nikolas' mum had put great deal of effort into the party. She had made some beautiful treat bags topped by helium bags for each child to take home. Of course the boys couldn't wait to get into their lollies as you can see here!
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Adelaide Fringe Festival
It is that time of year again. The Adelaide Fringe Festival has started so the streets are alive with musicians and street performers. The boys and I went into town earlier this week to get some more craft materials from Spotlight. They stood for ages watching this guy juggle fire sticks.
A Picture Paints A Thousand Words
This is pretty much what things have been like here lately! Some things seem to have gone bottoms up and we have all been left reeling. Just when life felt like it was getting into some type of routine everything changed. I guess the biggest thing of all was that the boys' nanny left just over a week ago. This was unexpected and has left us all feeling very confused and sad. She had her own reasons which don't need to be reiterated here. She had been part of all of our lives for the past five months and her loss is greatly felt. Today William asked if she had gone to yoga class and I had to explain to my dear little boys that she wasn't coming back. I saw the confusion and pain flicker across William's face but he tried to pretend that it didn't matter. Since when does a three year old have to hide his feelings? His hurt was mine in that moment. I don't know what the boys understand about what has happened but I wish that they didn't have to go through it.
The next thing that happened was that Oliver woke at 3am last Sunday and was struggling to breathe. I rushed him to the Women's and Children's Hospital where he was diagnosed as having an asthma attack. We were there for nine hours while Oliver was treated with oxygen and ventolin. He was not at all happy about the oximeter taped to his toe or the oxygen mask over his nose so for a very long and somewhat delirious nine hours I struggled to keep both in place while he did his best to remove them! He responded well to the ventolin and continued to have it for the rest of the week at home. A nurse stopped in each day to check him over.
If that wasn't enough the chooks went on a marauding rampage through my vegetable patch this week and made a very neat meal of all of the emerging seedlings!
We have all had a nasty respiratory virus for the best part of two weeks and one of the main symptoms is a relentless dry cough which is worst at night. Inger had a shocking time of it last night and coughed until 4am. In desperation I suggested that he take some ventolin as well and it seems to have had some effect.
This morning so as to give Inger a sleep in I took the boys out. We had our usual Sunday morning at Mama Carmella's and then visited some local playgrounds for lots of running and climbing. A couple of times recently we have come across boys playing cricket. I have no love of cricket, finding it extremely boring, but on both of these occasions the boys loaned us a spare bat and ball and we have made a passable effort at playing. William hit his first ball which we all thought was terrific.
Here is William sitting holding his 'paperwork'. He likes to place a pen over one ear and carry around a wad of papers which he refers to from time to time.
Sunday, 15 February 2009
What a Week!
Well this has been a week I would never want to go through again! The scenes of devastation from the Victorian bushfires have left everyone speechless. How will those families involved ever recover?
It has been a busy week for us. The boys have started back at all of their usual activities and the days seem to fly past. I attended my second and last felt-making class and made a handbag. It is still drying and I haven't yet attached the straps so I will photograph it when it is finished. I learned so much in the classes and am full of enthusiasm about making some slippers for the boys and some more bags for myself. I'll have to see if Inger would like a pair of felt slippers as well! Felt is so forgiving and fairly unpredictable in terms of what type of pattern emerges.
Next Sunday I am doing a course on Oriental Bookbinding. OK, I admit it..........I am a craftaholic. I just so love making things with my hands. Oh, for more time................
This morning we went out for our usual breakfast at Mama Carmela's. We seem to have become regulars. It was such a surprise when we arrived there this morning. The chef came out and asked the boys if they would like to come and help him in the kitchen. He showed them how to poach eggs. Now that is a skill I have only just perfected through a lot of trial and error so I will be very happy if they would like to take over from me. Not only that but as we were leaving he came out with a bag of home-made meringues for each of the boys. Oliver the sweet tooth was overjoyed! I hadn't tasted meringues like these since my childhood. They were large, golden and smooth. They had a crisp, brittle exterior and just the right degree of chewiness in the centre. The mass produced meringues you get in bakeries these days don't even come close.
After arriving home Inger started to re-stain our wooden driveway gate. The boys were mad-keen to help but I was concerned about them running out on the road. I had to find an activity to amuse them long enough for Inger to paint the gate and for me to water Seasol into the front garden with my watering can. Water play was what we decided on. They had such a lot of fun pretending to have their own cafe.
There were the usual disputes over who owned what but they managed to sort it out themselves.
You can see what I mean about the decor! It was a fun and relaxing afternoon. The little boys could hardly keep their eyes open as we drove home.
Sunday, 8 February 2009
The End of the Heatwave
The 13 day heatwave ended today. I don't think we could have taken much more of being cooped up inside. There are only so many games of doctors, offices and shops that one can manage without being driven completely crazy!
On a more serious note though the bushfires which have ravaged parts of NSW and Victoria have been horrifying. The death toll hit 181 at last count. It is so hard to believe that some of these fires would have been as a result of arson. We can only pray for the families involved at this time.
I was looking back at some earlier photos of William and Oliver and came across this one of William with his teddy. He was only one month old at that time.
Now here is Oliver this week with that very same teddy! Quite a difference in size!
As I mentioned, we have had a week of playing doctor. Here we can see Oliver playing the part of the patient. He looks suitably worried. We went through a lot of Wiggles bandaids that day.
Oliver is now the doctor and has come to William's aid. They had both been camping under the table and had skinned their knees.
Most things can be fixed with a cuddle!
Or if not with a cuddle then certainly with a nice hot cup of tea for both doctor and patient.
It looks like the patient has recovered! You will notice though, that he has a bruise in the middle of his forehead. He hit his head on a didgeridoo. I kid you not! William was given a cut-off but still very heavy didgeridoo by a stallowner at the Eumundi markets in Queensland. He used to be frightened of didgeridoos after I demonstrated how they worked one day at the Australian Geopgraphic shop in town. While we were on holidays he mustered up the courage to investigate didgeridoos more closely and for his troubles he was given one. The other day he had his didgeridoo out and accidentally hit his head on it with some force. He ended up with a lump and a big bruise.
I think we'll take a break from craft.
This morning we walked down to Mama Carmella's for our usual Sunday breakfast. The boys always like to play in the ambulance station grounds in this big old tree.
This morning we walked down to Mama Carmella's for our usual Sunday breakfast. The boys always like to play in the ambulance station grounds in this big old tree.
Here he is demolishing his pancakes.
Before I finish my weekly update I must introduce little Maddelena who is now two months old. She and her mum, my dear friend Marianna, came over for coffee on Thursday.
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Scandinavian Hand Felting
Yesterday morning I attended a felting workshop at the WEA Centre. This is my creation. We learnt how to make a flat piece of felt with wool roving, silk/alpaca, warm soapy water and bubble wrap. It was a surprisingly strenuous activity! We also learnt how to make felt beads. I think I am going to make my felt into a clutch purse with some surface embroidery. Next Saturday we will be making a bigger project and learning how to make seamless hats, bags and shoes!
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Our hardy chooks
Here are the latest updated photos of some of the chooks. This is the fellow we think is a cockerel. I guess we won't know for sure until he starts to crow. All of the chickens are in the same coop now. The transition was surprisingly easy. Dragon, the white silky is still at the bottom of the pecking order. She just looks too darn pretty to be a chook.
This is the chick named 'Tickled Pink' by Oliver, after his favourite cupcake. She has quite wavy feathers and 'bed hair'.
This one is named 'Dot' by Uncle Rowan. She is a funny little absent-minded sort of girl who scurries around everywhere.
Here we have our oldest girl, Mrs Diamond, who is the neighbourhood stickybeak and also at the top of the pecking order. The little ones are scared of her schoolmarm presence.
Lastly, here is Stella, a fine figure of a bird, who is somewhat standoffish.
They have all survived another day of terrible heat. I had water containers dotted around the yard today. The chooks all look so hot but they tend to burrow down into the cooler soil under the fruit trees and seem fairly content. Tomorrow the temperature drops to 39C so it will seem almost cool in comparison. Last night at midnight everyone in SA received a text message from the state government warning us to stay inside and drink plenty of water.
Saturday, 31 January 2009
Boys will be Boys!
On Thursday when we were at Kirsty's house William, Oliver and Heath decided that they were going to raid Amelia's costume collection and they all dressed up as fairies! William sashayed around the room swishing his mauve dress while Oliver watched on, gracefully waving his arms like a butterfly.
Here we see Heath holding Maisy the Mouse and walking as if he had been on catwalks all of his life. He even has that somewhat vacant expression that models often adopt.
Friday, 30 January 2009
We are in the midst of another heatwave. On Tuesday this week the temperature was 45.7C and it has been 44C since. It is unbearably hot, dry and windy outside. I have had to let all of the chickens out to free-range all of every day simply so they can find a cooler spot under a tree. I have even been putting ice cubes in their water.
It has been very difficult to keep the boys amused inside. Yesterday we visited Kirsty and today we went to see Marianna but apart from that Britta and I have been trying to come up with interesting things for the boys to do inside. Today they enjoyed pasting, cutting and stamping and each made a colourful collage.
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Ladybugs and Bees
Someone is always dressing up at our place. We have a couple of big boxes of dress-up clothes and I am adding to them all the time. I have found that op shops and garage sales can be a great source of costumes and accessories. Only last week we found a new St Vinnies op shop and I purchased a long red wig suitable for a clown. Here you can see the boys dressed as a bee and a ladybug playing in our garden.
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Just Tickled Pink
It is the Australia Day long weekend this weekend. Rowan has come over from Sydney for a visit. Yesterday we went to one of Oliver's favourite places - 'Just Tickled Pink'. It is a cafe near our house which specialises in ultra-delicious cupcakes. Rowan kindly treated us all to a cupcake and coffee. William chose a Mars Bar cake, Rowan chose a Banana Caramel cake, Oliver selected their signature pink iced cake, and I chose a trifle cupcake. Inger showed great willpower and resisted. Oliver has a current passion for collecting china cups so he was in his element!
A selection of the mouth-watering home-made cupcakes.
Today we invited our dear friends Margaret and Peter and their two girls Kate and Alice over for a barbecue. The boys adore Kate and Alice and had a ball playing with them for the entire afternoon. It meant that the rest of us could have a fairly relaxed afternoon sipping champagne and chatting around the table out under our shady tree. It was just such a wonderful day. The boys fell asleep at 6.30pm while I was preparing their shower. We just slipped them into bed, grubby little feet and all so they could dream about their lovely day. They are very social little boys.
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