Wednesday, 21 April 2010

We still like craft

One day last week I found a new recipe for play dough and made a big batch of pink dough. It was squashed, rolled and pummelled into shape.

Here there is a moment of intense concentration.

And then we move onto painting which both boys love.

Mum can I have a drum kit?

My boys are musical. There is no disputing that fact. They both play CD's all day long (often a CD player each at the same time) which does not make for a happy mum............ Oliver loves to dance and creates moves that I have never seen. He moves as his imagination guides him. William is the technician. He has a passion for CD players and speakers. He wants to know how everything works. He also wants to play the drums. My ongoing sanity has the upper hand at this point. He makes do with saucepans and plastic tubs for now.

And one year later................

Yesterday was the last day of school holidays. I was trying to think of something fun for the boys and I to do when I settled upon a train ride. We rarely catch trains as there are so few suburban routes here in Adelaide and it is just easier to take the car. However as this adventure was to be more about the trip than the actual destination we set off for the grand old Adelaide Railway Station ready for anything. The business and noise of the station set the boys' excitement high to start with. We had no time to waste in finding and boarding our train. I was able to spend a fairly leisurely time looking out the windows at an Adelaide I rarely see while Oliver and William validated their tickets many times, and explored the carriage in the greatest detail.

After a 25 minute journey west we were at the end of our journey and the end of the track at Grange Beach. We wandered along the boardwalk looking at the 19th century architecture and then found a table at the Grange jetty kiosk overlooking the sand dunes. The boys had ice creams and I had a bottle of water. All was right with the world on that cool sunny afternoon.

Ice creams finished we wandered back to the station and made our way back home again.