Another hot Adelaide morning heralds a day of 40C temperatures. I went out in the garden this morning to find that this beautiful rose had opened. It has such a sweet perfume. I have always loved the big blousy blooms of the Just Joey.
It is just too hot to go outside today so we will be entertaining the boys inside. We have had a morning of reading books, playing with the pirate ship and doing jigsaw puzzles. William is really starting to enjoy imaginative play and this morning has been driving his fire engine off to fight fires in the laundry. The boys both had fun earlier on, playing on the water table outside. Both managed to clamber up onto it and paddle in it with their pyjamas on.
Inger cut two large bunches of plump red grapes from our front garden vine. They are very sweet and juicy and will make a nice dessert after lunch.
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