Everywhere I go these days I take along a small basket and collect leaves, nuts, shells and other natural objects worthy of being recycled into craft projects. I have been more motivated to do this since taking the boys to a Waldorf playgroup in the Adelaide Hills. The simple furnishings and naturally made toys appeal to me. The boys and I spent a very interesting afternoon recently making the following creations.
I painted the trunk of the tree onto some white card and we all gathered up some of the leaves which had fallen into our back garden. I dried them in a low oven and then we all crushed them. The boys spread glue onto the branches and gave the tree an autumn/winter look.
This mouse (made by Oliver) and the following two sculptures were very simple but so effective. I gave the boys a lump of clay each and a basket of various nuts and seed pods and these are what we came up with. I think that this has been the most engrossing task they have ever engaged in. I was so impressed by what they came up with and will definitely do this again.
This is William's garden sculpture.
This last one is mine.
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