Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Fun at the playground

The boys love going to the park and running and climbing to their heart's content. The weather has been so cold and wet lately that there have not been very many opportunities for this. Late last week we waited for a gap in the clouds and drove off to Wayville Reserve. One of Oliver's great loves apart from climbing is chocolate. Here he is combining the two! He would not part with that Milky Bar square no matter what I said about leaving two hands free to climb.

Here is Oliver all rugged up and deep in thought on this cold winter's day.

The Milky Bar still hasn't been eaten but he is savouring the experience of holding it nonetheless!

About a month ago I went to a talk by a psychologist, Sue Dengate. She tours the world talking about nutrition and the importance of removing artificial colourings, additives and preservatives from our diets. She particularly focuses on children's health and the behavioural and physical consequences of these additives. I have to admit that I had always been something of a sceptic when it came to some of these claims but the studies Sue presented certainly got me thinking. I bought her cookbook and for the past month we have been adhering to it religiously. The recipes have been simple but tasty and nutritious. When another mum asked me last week if I had noticed any changes in the boys as a result of the Failsafe eating I said that I didn't think so. However on Monday I took the boys to an indoor play cafe. The cafe stipulates that only food bought on the premises can be consumed there. I bought the boys a bowl of french fries and spiderman cordial drinks. I didn't think too much about it but that that night their behaviour was unlike I had ever seen in them. They were both almost manic and didn't settle to sleep for hours. I can only assume that having been free of additives for a month led to a massive reaction when they were exposed again. That was all the evidence I needed to continue the Failsafe eating.

William is very happy that these potato chips eaten sparingly are allowed on the diet.

I am always amazed how the boys develop new skills from one visit to the park to the next. They can now climb up to the top of this spiral and down the other side. They certainly don't inherit their climbing aptitude from Inger or me!

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