Last weekend I had a plan that we would all make stepping stones. After swimming we set off to garage sales in our area to look for suitable china for making mosaics. The boys had never been to a garage sale and had a great time foraging through other people's wares. As well as finding china I picked up a fabulous wizard's costume complete with cape, hat and wand and a clown's hat and red wig. The boys found a deluxe pink Barbie convertible which they have since played with all week. It was a very good buy at 50c and came up sparkling after a good wash. Using Daddy's screwdrivers Oliver sprung Barbie's car's boot open. We were all shocked to find a boot full of Barbie's best shoes and dresses, but alas no Barbie. Inger would not consent to the purchase of a Barbie or even a Ken doll. It seems that the mystery of Barbie's whereabouts will remain just that.................a mystery. You can be sure that we will be doing the rounds of garage sales on a more regular basis from here on. Who knows what we might find? My natural tendency as a hoarder has not escaped Inger's notice. As fast as he tries to declutter our house I manage to find new treasures to fill it once again.
Anyway, back to the stepping stones. As soon as hammers and bags of cement started appearing the boys knew we meant business. They couldn't wait to wield hammers. It's a boy thing I'm sure!! They donned their sun glasses and smashed china with all their might.
The next step involved adding water and pigment to the easy mix cement. Its amazing how far that pigment travelled!
Ta da !! One of the finished stones in the side garden. Our next little project will be to plant some flowers around the stones and make it a small garden for the boys. The project was a lot of fun and One we will repeat as we still have quite a lot of left over pieces of china.
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